The Gurkhas Group’s approach to handling staff recruitment & training during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Since March 2020 the doors of The Gurkhas Group headquarters has been shut for all interested applicants with the exception of the office staff that had been tested negative for COVID-19. The Gurkhas Group has and continues to take COVID-19 very seriously and has used approaches to adapt to the quickly changing environment. The senior management team has revised its method of management, including changing the business model and adapted ways in which recruitment & training can be done whilst being safe and socially distanced.
As clients require more from our frontline staff, our operations
team has created new methods to recruit, train and manage our staff. Security, cleaning, construction & logistics personnel place of residence has been cross-checked on the government’s website to ensure they are not living in any infected areas and clients are well informed. They are also required to use basic PPE whilst on the job; understand how to temperature screen citizens as well as the procedures when individuals are over 37°C; control and manage social distancing measures. In addition to these, many clients are beginning to be increasingly interested in technology that can ease the procedure and minimise close contact. Our patrolling officers often surprise check on personnel’s workstation and restock them with PPE and instruct the proper way to use it.
As the community became more socially distanced and places are operating in lower capacity, we often find our security guards working by themselves. This was something new that our operations team had to consider as the wellbeing of our guards is also very important. Thus, we introduced ‘Employee of the Month’, to encourage our guards and let them know we appreciate their hard work during this pandemic.
As for details on how we have modified our recruitment & training programmes:
1) Group training with more than 20 people was done in smaller groups sometimes individually as well.
2) Technology has also been very beneficial, as we have transitioned from physical registration at our office to online application forms. This digital database has in fact created a long-term sustainable method in holding data.
As a group, we are constantly changing and developing ways in which we can improve the company, especially during this pandemic. This has allowed us to reflect in areas which we have never considered and adapt to the new routine, allowing us to continue down the path of success.
Company Announcement:
The Gurkhas Group would like to announce our employee of the month. It goes to Lalita Gharti & Okra Jim. Congratulations for showcasing your excellence this month. We are thankful for your hard work.

Employee of the Month: Lalita Gharti & Okra Jim
We are also delighted to reveal that The Gurkhas Group has commenced 1 new cleaning projects in Hong Kong Island and 1 security projects located in Kowloon. We are thankful for our clients in believing in our services.
Hong Kong COVID-19 News:
Cases in Hong Kong still remains increasing though all under control. The government has issued new regulations, starting from 30 October 2020, the dine-in hours of catering business premises (including bars and pubs) will be extended to end at 1.59 am. The number of persons that may be seated together at one table will be increased to 6 for catering business premises.
For more information and updates regarding COVID-19 please visit:
We also would like to remind anyone who is interested in working with us to fill out the forms: